Wednesday, December 20, 2006


OK, so with me being in a whole other country and everything I thought it would be a good idea to start up a blog of some sort. So here we go. I'll try and keep it as up to date as possible. Well, only if there is actually anything exciting happening.

So a brief update of where I am now....I moved to Holland on Tuesday 28 November to be with Bas after breaking up with Darren. So been here 3 weeks today and so far loving it. I have been introduced to the joys of Sinterklaas (for those who aren't Dutch its basically the Dutch's excuse to have a mini Christmas on 5 December because they can't wait for the real thing). I would like to say that I embraced it fully and remembered to put my shoes on the fireplace (where Sinterklaas puts in chocolates letters and presents with the help of his little helpers Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) who he brought over in a boat from Spain, only it wasn't really Spain it was Turkey or something... very confusing legend) but unfortunately I forgot so me and Bas just exchanged chocolate letters anyway. But we did go and have dinner at his Mum's place that night which was a lot of fun.

I am also learning Dutch, be it slowly as everybody speaks English which doesn't make learning the local language any easier. But I'm getting there. I can count now so at least I can say how many drinks I want. And I'm getting more confident with the 'G'. Its a really gutteral language and you feel like a complete pillock the first few times you try and say anything. So far the only full phrase I can say is "Ik heb een lekker kontje", which means "I have a nice ass"!! This is what happens when you let boys teach you Dutch!!

After being here a couple of weeks I decided that maybe getting a job would be a good idea. I am sticking by the plan to work with horses again so I tried out some of the english groom websites. To my astonishment I got an email within about a day requesting for me to go and have an interview for a job with an international showjumper. So I went along and myself and Marlies got along like a house on fire so I start after Christmas on 30 December. Should be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to it. This is her webpage with some details of the horses I'll be helping to train and compete

I think that's about everything for now. I will try and update this as often as possible but in the mean time here are some pics of Bas so you all know who I've shacked up with - and yes I was responsible for the bobble in his hair and yes he will kill me for letting my entire family see that picture :)

And please, feel free to put comments in the discussion part of this page, would be really nice.


Unknown said...

Hey I'm naked!


Unknown said...

oops wrong name :)

Lisa said...

Hi sweetie, it isn't imperitive to start each post with OK! I thought this might get you even more excited than usual for this time of year.

Mommy xx

Darkengrim said...

lol Bas in a bath now there is a sight I don't want to see again in a hurry :p