Friday, December 22, 2006


I have actually managed to get my Sofi number and it only took half an hour or so (it being local government I took my book expecting a wait of possibly hours). There is clearly an advantage to being there at 8.30 in the morning!! So I can now officially work here or if I chose to, not work here and bum off the social security system (not that I'd do that)

Came home to discover the washing machine has broken. Well not so much broken as doesn't spin so just makes the clothes at the bottom all soggy but not clean and doesn't even touch the ones at the top. So guess what we're asking Father Christmas for this year (actually, we're actually asking Fathe Visa for it)!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It's probably the drive belt that has come off - happened to mine last year. Check that before buying a new one!

Mum xx