Thursday, May 31, 2007

6 Months in the Netherlands

Monday 28 May marked me living over here with the Dutchies for 6 months. I thought I'd have a quick look back on what's happened etc.

Firstly, we had some tragic news the other week that Bas's father had died in a car crash on the morning of 17 May (which is also Ascension Day). He was only 57 years old but had led a very full and active life. Obviously the entire family was devestated and I stayed with Bas through the condolence service and the funeral. The number of people who attended was truly staggering, he really must have touched a great number of lives.

So, a recap on what's happened here. Well, I've had two jobs, although one very short lived. I'm still working on a temp contract at Lyondell though hopefully that should be over soon and barring anything disatrous happening I should be offered a permanent contract. I'm currently organising our annual team event which involves offroad driving, abseiling, sliding down ropes and all that kind of ilk. Should be good fun as long as the weather holds out. Though I have a feeling that half my team won't be talking to me after they've been with me in a jeep witha free rein to drive how I want... teehee!

I've got a new pet (apart from Bas) who is still ruling the roost. Claudius can be extremely cute at times and at other times you just want to skin him. Very annoying when you're lying on the couch reading and he decides to use your stomach as a trampoline!

I'm gradually learning Dutch, though so far most of it is pretty useless. Although I can manage to order my coffee in the morning, ask for the right size and whether or not I want cocoa powder on top. I see this as a step in the right direction at least. And I am no longer as afraid of the dreaded Gs either, though at least I don't sound like I'm trying to spit when I say them :) Unfortunately most of the full sentences I know have no use whatsoever in everyday society. I can say "I have a nice ass" or "I want more kisses" perfectly, but if I need to ask the way to the train station I'm stumped!! Never get boys to teach you a new language, they are very irresponsible.

We recently had friends over from the UK, Dave and Wendy, which was really nice. Although very cramped in our little flat. Dave managed to pounce on one of my friends the first night he was here. Actually, that's a gross disservice to Dave, he did none of the pouncing, it was all Marielle. But it was very sweet nonetheless. As a result of visiting here and seeing what life is like over here he is seriously thinking and looking into making the move as I did. See, my cunning plan to get all my friends over here is slowly coming into realisation! Just need to work on my sisters next :)

So overall, the last 6 months have been some of the happiest I can ever remember. I still think that Bas is absolutely fantastic and we still get on fabulously (the fact that he's just totally scrummy also helps of course). The house is slowly coming along, we got a new toilet the other day which I got very excited over, it really is sad! The weather here is much better, the people are nicer, the atmosphere is friendlier, the food is better, the clothes are cheaper, the benefits are more generous.... need I go on?

Kate = happy girly at the moment :D


Anonymous said...

Firstly - Congratulations on your 6 months :)

I thought I should comment, but its ended up a Blog I'm afraid :P When I started reading, I remembered how I felt hearing the tragic news when we came over to stay with you & can't thank you enough for being made to feel so welcome after what you guys have been through <3

Its cool knowing all the extended versions of everything you mention. My experience of Claudius was similar, although he liked jumping onto or at my face. I didn't really hear much Dutch from you either, but can understand that when I tried saying "good morning" & gave up after 5 poor attempts at it. I have learnt a couple of words, but they aren't important right now ;)

You can imagine my surprise when I see my name mentioned & figured what you were going to say next!! To be fair, Marielle did as much 'pouncing' as I did & I haven't been able to stop this smiling since I've been back :D
Never had such an awesome week guys, meeting lots of new friends & thoroughly enjoying every minute of it - so much so, I will probably be seeing you again pretty soon, although I may not go back next time ;)

Massive love & dish out those hugs & kisses for me XXXXX (that includes the .ru)

Anonymous said...

I'm scrummy yay! Can't remember what it was though :>
And yes Dave and Wendy were ace! Hope to see the both of you soon again :) And maybe be posting on Dave's 'moving to Dutchyland' blog :D :p